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EXPRESSIVE is the customer magazine of Europress Group Oy.
Editor-in-chief: Pia Husu-Vierimaa
Editorial team: Tomi Turunen, Ira Heinonen, Liisa Hyttinen
Guest contributors are responsible for the contents and accuracy of their own articles. Any opinions and statements presented in their articles are their own.
Photos: Ira Heinonen, Liisa Hyttinen and Europress Group Oy unless otherwise mentioned.
Layout: Pia Husu-Vierimaa
Translations: Edward Crockford
The customer mailing list for EXPRESSIVE contains the subscriber’s name, e-mail address, company or organization, and postal address. The mailing list is used for the sole purpose
of delivering EXPRESSIVE. Enquiries about the customer mailing list register and cancellations: or call +358 20 737 3100.